Byrne Journal / Ryan’s Diary – November 2020 Edition

Featured image for Byrne Journal / Ryan's Diary on depicting a newspaper mockup with photo of Ryan Byrne surrounded by musical instruments.


Nostalgic Distortion ONE ROCK Recap

Watch Now | Nostalgic Distortion 8th Annual ONE ROCK Benefit Show | 10-24-2020

Stuff it, Coronavirus – we did our show anyway! Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions and the overall safety of our family and friends, Nostalgic Distortion was unable to do our usual live show at the Lucky Dog Tavern in Plymouth, NH this year. However, that did not mean we were going to cancel it altogether. Like so many events have had to do this year, we took the 8th Annual ONE ROCK show virtual and performed a one-hour acoustic concert via Facebook Live on October 24th.

Normally there is a $5.00 cover charge at the door. The last few years we have been collecting about $600 – $700 at the door and then we donate 50% of it to the annual JDRF One Walk (Manchester, NH) on behalf of the Andy’s Army walk team. However, as we couldn’t play the show live this year, we were unable to collect a cover charge at the door, and had to rely exclusively on the generosity of people donating online. Even so, with only online donations available, we’ve raised $143 thus far. Donation lines will remain open through the year and any additional monies raised between now and next year’s JDRF One Walk will be earmarked for next year’s event. We like to make at least a $300 donation, so a few times in the past when our take at the door was less than $600, we took the balance out of “our half” to make up the difference so that we could make our donation goal of $300. We’ll do the same this year. We’ve raised in the neighborhood of $2500 total for Andy’s Army through the years, and Andy’s Army in turn has raised over $35,000 for JDRF!

If you would like to see the recorded concert, just click the picture link above this article. If you would like to donate to the cause, you can PayPal or Venmo to


Online Music Lessons – On Location In New Hampshire

Each October during Fall Break at Knoxville Academy of Music (KAM), I travel to my hometown of Gorham, NH to visit with family and friends, as well as perform our annual reunion benefit show with Nostalgic Distortion. I usually stay a total of two weeks, therefore requiring a sub to teach my lessons during the week after Fall Break. However, this year, due to Coronavirus, our students have the option of doing their lessons in-person or online. My students are roughly split equally between in-person and online. However, for the month of October, my students agreed to all go online, thereby allowing me to visit with my family for an extended period of time while still being able to teach my normal lesson schedule. I LOVE my students and the team at KAM for making that all possible!!! That extra time with my family was exactly what I needed this year. I am now back in Tennessee rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready for another year of music and teaching!

Welcome New Music Lesson Students

I would like to welcome a new music lesson student to my schedule at Knoxville Academy of Music. Harry G. will be studying bass / music theory with me. Welcome aboard, Harry – let us demystify the depths of music theory!


Nothing But Net!

As I mention in every newsletter (LOL), when I’m not playing or teaching music, I’m working on websites. Websites, websites, websites. I don’t really solicit retail web design work these days, because I have so many lead generation websites to develop and maintain for my Music Ed Media (MEM) business – but I almost never say no to retail work that does show up at my door. So I’m happy to report that I have pretty much had to keep my MEM sites on the back burner again recently as I’m enjoying a lot of new retail work being sent my way at the moment.

On that note, it’s time for me to get back to work on websites. I’ll see you all next month for the December edition of the Byrne Journal / Ryan’s Diary. Stay safe out there! 🙂

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