Byrne Journal / Ryan’s Diary – August 2020 Edition

Featured image for Byrne Journal / Ryan's Diary on depicting a newspaper mockup with photo of Ryan Byrne surrounded by musical instruments.

Byrne Journal Switching To Monthly Format

Hello awesome friends and fans! If you’ve seen my newsletter of late then you know that I had recently rebooted it when the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions began to ease and various East Tennessee venues were allowed to start hiring bands again. However, due to COVID-19 case spikes, restrictions are beginning to tighten back up and many of our full-band gigs are once again being cancelled. However, I’m not going to stop the newsletter again, but rather switch it from a weekly format to a monthly format. As always, thank you for reading! πŸ™‚


Liquid Velvet

Since my last edition of the Byrne Journal, Liquid Velvet was able to squeeze in one last full band show at the Smoky Mountain Brewery in Pigeon Forge before the rest of our July bookings were wiped out due to tightening social distancing policies. We do have some tentative dates on the books for the second half of August, but please stay tuned to the Liquid Velvet Facebook Page for last minute announcements. Full band shows are being confirmed or cancelled on a week-to-week basis at this point.

Ryan Byrne on ReverbNation Essential Nashville Americana Artists Playlist

ReverbNation is running a beta advertising program right now where artists can pay a small fee to be included in certain Essential Artists playlists that are being promoted on Facebook. I gave it a shot and ponied up $25 to be part of the Essential Nashville Americana Artists playlist. So, if you’re in the Nashville area (I think that’s where the ads are running), let me know if you catch this playlist being promoted while you’re surfing Facebook.


Welcome New Students

I would like to welcome some new students to my lesson schedule at Knoxville Academy of Music! Lindsey B. will be studying bass guitar and Sonya K. will be studying violin. Welcome aboard, let’s make music! πŸ™‚

KAM Operating From New Facility

I’d like to give a GREAT BIG shout out to the administration (Jeff, Jody, Brandi, April, and Vanessa) of Knoxville Academy of Music (KAM)! They found the PERFECT shiny new facility for KAM’s new home. Students are allowed to be in the building for in-person lessons now, but we as a school are adhering strictly to local mask mandates and national CDC guidelines. The lobby is currently closed to help with social distancing and we are asking parents to wait in their cars during their child’s lesson. Parents are allowed to join the lesson virtually via our ZOOM online lessons option if they so choose. At some point we would like to show off our new digs with social-distancing-friendly grand opening, stay tuned for details!


When I am not teaching or performing music, I’m carrying out various projects for 251 Group, my home-based digital media and marketing business. I am constantly building, maintaining, or updating websites. Internal websites, development websites for eventual sale or lease, and retail website design and development for hire. Let’s put it this way. On my “website days” (the days that I’m not actively teaching or performing), I’m head first in a computer screen from the time I get up until the time I go to bed – only stopping for food and coffee breaks, or errands that absolutely have to be done right now because I have already put them off too long. Exciting life, huh? πŸ˜‰ Somehow, my wife puts up with it all. Anyway, I have been fortunate enough to pick up several retail projects lately, so I’m extremely thankful for that.

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